Oak Springs Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care
- 1015 Helmo Ave N Oakdale Minnesota 55128
- (651) 739-2500
- (651) 739-9698
- Send Email
- Oak Springs Chiropractic
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8-12; 3-6
Wednesday 9-12; 3-6
Driving Directions:
Exit 694 at 10th St Exit in Oakdale. Go east on 10th St for two blocks to Helmo Ave N. Go north on Helmo Ave and take your first right into the Oakcreast Village. 1015 Helmo Ave N. Oakdale, MN 55128
About Us
Dr. Ben Smetana has been practicing chiropractic in Oakdale, MN for 18 years. He specializes in chiropractic care for the entire family.
He offers relief for both acute and chronic problems. He focuses on the whole body and therefore sees patients with digestive issues, allergies, asthma, low back and neck pain, headaches, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. he also sees children with learning disabilities and ADHD.
If you are in the Oakdale, MN area and are looking for the areas best chiropractor, please visit us at:
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